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The statements and opinions expressed in the articles herein are those of the author(s) and not
necessarily of NJSE editorial board. All biological experimental works (such as genetic engineering) should be ethically acceptable and be in accordance with the local and international guidelines provided for both animal and human. Authors must guarantee that the manuscript parts were not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Peer review policy and criteria of manuscript acceptance
Manuscript acceptability is based principally on the importance, objectives, originality, topicality, and appropriateness of the methodology and outcomes. All submitted manuscripts
are screened by the editorial board to assure their satisfying the above criteria, and subsequently peer reviewed by two or more reviewers. Manuscripts accepted for publication are copy edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format.
Reviewers selection is based on reputation and experience. However, the identity of reviewers is confidential and manuscripts are considered private information. The editorial board will be certain of not to allowing authors to realize reviewers identities. Similarly, author(s) identities will not be unveiled to the referees.
Any article published in the Nile Journal for Science and Engineering will be the copyright of thejournal. Though the journal is an open access, reproducing for resale or distribution, compilations and translations of any of the published articles or parts including abstracts, tables, figures require permission of the Nile Valley University.