The Effects of Shelterbelts on some Climatic factors in Mechanized Rain-fed Agricultural Schemes in Ghadambaliya Area, Gedarif State-Sudan.
The study was conducted in Gedarif state, Ghdambeliya area during the period (February-March) 2022, to assess the effect of shelterbelts on soil moisture, soil temperature and evaporation, where three shelterbelts were chosen. Average heights of shelterbelts were measured to determine the distance between the belt and the sites from which soil samples were taken; distances were, 5xheight, 10xheight, 15xheight, 20xheight, 25xheight and 30xheight behind the belt, distances in front of the belt were, 2.5xheight, 5xheight and 10xheight; and one soil sample was taken from inside the belt to describe the soil between trees, and one soil sample was taken from unprotected area. The temperature was measured with a thermometer at a depth of 5 and 10 cm, also the evaporation measured by beach tube inside the belt and unprotected area. The data was subjected to analysis of variance and mean separation method using the software statstix-10 and SPSS.The results showed that the soil temperatures inside the shelterbelts were significantly lower compared to the soil temperatures in the unprotected area, also the results indicated that the soil moisture inside the shelterbelts were higher compared to the soil temperatures in the unprotected area. The result showed that the evaporation rate inside the belt was significantly reduced compared to the unprotected area.