صورة أ.د محمد إبراهيم شكري
Rank : Professor
Department and Specialization: Department of Manufacturing Engineering
Degrees: Ph.D.
Name of Degree | Specialization | Name of College / University | Dat e |
Diploma Associate Engineer | Mechanical Engineering | MechanicalEngineeringCollege, Atbara, Sudan | 1976 |
Leeds Polytechnic Diploma | Mechanical Engineering | Leeds Polytechnic, UK | 1982 |
Postgraduate Diploma | Mechanical Engineering | Leeds Polytechnic, UK | 1983 |
M.Sc. | Production Management & Manufacturing Technology | University of Strathclyde, UK | 1984 |
Ph.D. | Mechanical Engineering(Manufacturing Systems) | Dept. of Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering, Salford University, UK | 1991 |
Experience (Years):
Government / Industry(Engineering / Engineering Technology) | Teaching(Engineering / Engineering Technology) | This Institution |
1 | 38 | 3 |
(Level of Activity in the last five years (high, med, low, none:
(Explain the activity and rank it as High, Medium or low)
(a) Professional Development : High
(b) Research : Medium
(c) Professional Society : High
(d) Consultancy : High
- Active membership in Professional and Scientific Societies:
Engineers Union, NaherElnil State, Sudan.
- Institutional and professional service:
– The founder & manager of research and publication unit, Nile Vally University (2013-now)
– Consultant for Leader Technology Industrial group, (2008-now)
– Yanbu Industrial University College, 2006-2009
– Department of production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Nile Valley University, Atbara, Sudan (Professor).
– Dean of Faculty, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Nile Valley University, Atbara, Sudan. (2001-2004)
– Faculty of Engineering, Blue Nile University, Eddmazin, Sudan. (Consultant + acting Dean 2004-2005).
– The founder & manager of Self assessment& total quality management Unit, Nile Valley University (2004-2006).
- Professional meetings attended(Include Dates):
i- The First International Industrial Engineering Conference, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (Sept. 2001)
ii- A discussion circle on “The Third Level of Technician Engineers (Technologists) in Iraq” The Arab Technical Education Union, Baghdad, Republic of Iraq (Sep. 2001).
iii- The seventh Deans of Faculty of Engineering in ARAB Universities Meeting, AdenUniversity, Aden ,Republic of Yemen. (Dec. 2002)
iv- Conference on ”The quality of University Education” (Arab Organization for management Development.) Aden ,Republic of Yemen. (Sep. 2003).
v- Conference on “Self evaluation in Arab Universities”, Amman, Jordan (Dec. 2004)
- I. Shukri & A. M. Elbasheer, ”An Expert System for Designing gates & Risers for Small & Medium size Castings” Sudan Engineering Society Journal, Vol 52, Number 46, May 2006.
- M. I. Shukri ” Lean Manufacturing” The NileValley Scientific Journal, Vol 1 Number 1, (2005)
- A.M. Elbasheer, M. I. Shukri, W. F. Abdel-Wahed, “Developing a Visual Interactive System of Feature- Based Solid Modeling of a Cast component” 3rd. International Conference on Engineering Sciences & Technologies, NRC, Cairo, Egypt. (March 2008)
- A.M. Elbasheer, M. I. Shukri, A feature-based solid modeling for building casting components, Sudan Engineering Society Journal, Vol. 57, pp. 1-10, 2011
- A.M. Elbasheer, M. I. Shukri, A fuzzy expert system for rigging system design, Journal of Science and Technology 12 (02 ), pp. 124-134, December 2011
10: Papers accepted for publications:
- I. M. Ali & M. I. Shukri, A regression model to predict number of passengers of Sudan Railways, Shendi University Journal.
- A.M. Elbasheer, M. I. Shukri, Methoding design in sand casting : Paper (1):
Heuristic rules of methoding design in sand casting.Sudan Engineering Society Journal.
- A.M. Elbasheer, M. I. Shukri, Methoding design in sand casting : Paper (2):
Fuzzy expert system and feature-based for building castings and feeders design.Sudan Engineering Society Journal
- Seminars / training programs conducted :
i- Held and supervised considerable number of seminars and training programs in Nile Valley University, Shendi University &AlshakhAbdallaAlbadri University.
ii- “The three days seminar on Quality & Self Evaluation”. Conducted four times for groups of staff in the NileValleyUniversity (2004 – 2005).
iii- “The three days seminar on Quality & Self Evaluation”. Blue NileUniversity (Dec. 2004)
iv- “Rapid Prototyping, it’s application in design & manufacturing” Dept of mechanical engineering & technology, YIT, Saudi Arabia (Jan. 2007).
v- “An Approach of Applying Expert Systems In Sand Casting” Dept of mechanical engineering & technology, YIT, Saudi Arabia (Nov. 2007).
- Professionally related community activity :
i- Active member on the Industrial liaison & Consultancy Unit, NileValleyUniversity, Chairman of the Unit (2001-2004)
ii- Consultant for El-Salam Cement Factory.
Hobbies & Interests:
i- The president of Engineers Union in The Naher EL Neel state (1993 – 1996).
ii-The President of Atbara University staff Club (1993 – 1996).
iii- Has interest in information system & MIS, the designer of the B.Sc. in MIS in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration in the NileValleyUniversity.